mardi 18 septembre 2012

Idols love BOY London & Long Clothing (EXO, INFINITE, B2ST, BAP, BIG BANG...)

Today, I'm going to post about something I've seen more and more recently. Kpop Idols, all fell for the Brands BOY London et Long Clothing. (I have to be honnest, I fell for it too). As for Kokon To Zai, these brands are really popular among idols. Nearly each time there is a comeback or a debut (for boys) one (or more) of the member is wearing an item from BOY London & Long Clothing.
But let's stop talking, and see some exemples:

Who: BAP Zelo
What: "BOY UNION" Tshirt
Which Brand: BOY London X Long CLothing

What: "BOY" Cap
Which Brand: BOY London

Who: EXO Suho & Lay
What: "steel" vest
Which Brand: Long Clothing

Who: INFINITE Sungkyu
What: "BOY UNION" Tshirt
Which Brand: BOY London X Long CLothing

What: Tshirt, Tank top, Cap and sweater
Which Brand: All from BOY London

Who: EXO-M/EXO Chen
What: "Omega" Vest
Which Brand: Long Clothing

Who: B2ST Junhyung
What: "BOY UNION" Tshirt
Which Brand: BOY London X Long CLothing

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